I had such a fun week! It was filled with three of my favorite things. . . hair, makeup, and nails!
To start my week off I visited my cute sister-in-law, Mckayla, at the salon. I have a new respect for her and all ethnic women! I had no idea the pain and process they go through to be so beautiful. It all pays off though! After 4 hours of yanking, tugging, and some tears, Miss Charolette gave Mckayla the princess hair she's always wanted.

Isn't she the most beautiful girl you've ever seen! Love you Kayla!!!

Next, field trip to Sephora with my Mom and Grandma. This place was amazing! I have never been a makeup junkie, but after seeing this place, i'm seriously considering it.

I was shopping around, and next thing I knew, Jules had weaseled her way into 'the chair!' Jealous!!

Isn't she gar-geous!? You would fall off your rocker if you knew her age.

people say they look alike, and that i look like my mom. . . I sure hope so!!

Time to play with our purchases!
finally, what better way to finish off the week than PEDICURES!
Gram took the girls out for pedicures to celebrate my mom's upcoming birthday!
We REALLY missed our other girl Jamie. It's not the same without you jam, we love you!!!!

we were laughing the whole time because we couldn't figure out how to controll our chairs. We were being kneaded, shook, and pushed in every direction haha.
Thanks girls for the fun week! I have the best family, I love you all!!!